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Q1 Communicators helps organizations develop direct marketing campaigns to meet specific sales or marketing goals.

We approach every campaign from a consultative, results-oriented perspective. Each campaign is designed to meet your marketing goals and to cater to the specific needs of your unique audience and your product or service.

To help you succeed, we employ the techniques we have developed in our 15 years of direct marketing experience. Our broad knowledge of creative strategies, offers, lists and other media vehicles will help you develop more cost-effective programs.

  •  Direct mail strategy and consulting
  •  Direct mail copywriting and package design
  •  Production and list brokerage services

Our expertise covers the spectrum of direct marketing activities--from marketing strategies and campaign planning to creative execution, database research, media production, fulfillment logistics and data analysis -- we do it all.

We offer our time and expertise, free of charge, to meet with you during the planning stages of a project or marketing campaign. We discuss schedules, lists, formats, printing -- all with an eye towards maximizing savings and technical efficiency.

Q1 can offer both consumer and commercial lists to meet your specific requirements--from broad saturation mailing to very targeted demograph groups. Our goal is to deliver the highest return on your investment.

All mailing lists are processed through CASS certified address correction system and duplicates are removed. This is also true of lists submitted to us by our clients.

We can provide all data processing services including merge/purge and postal presort. We can also format and proof tapes for any form of personalization. We can provide personalization from simple ektajet address blocks to complex database-driven imaging work.

Q1 understands the effective techniques of direct mail copy writing -- business-to-business, non-profit, consumer --you name it, we've done it. There is a
science to direct mail; where the teaser should go, when to use a lift note, how to qualify a prospect on a coupon.

Q1 artists consistently create layouts to attract the attention of the recipient so the piece gets opened and immediately understood. Breakthrough visual design fused with a killer concept and effective copy creates one irresistible, read-me package!

Depending on the budget and other requirements, we produce anything from one-color to six-color printed pieces. We work closely with the post office to ensure the best rates for your mailed pieces. We can assist with the selection of paper and determine the best size for cost effective mail.

Q1 provides full service processing for all types of mailings - first class and standard/bulk mail.

Our services include:

  • Address imaging
  • Merging and printing of personalized letters, envelopes etc.
  • Folding, tabbing, stuffing, inserting
  • Preparation for mailing per current postal guidelines
  • CASS certification processing to obtain automated rate (lowest postal rate possible)

Post Card Direct Mail

Condo sales rely directly on the success direct mail to bring prospects to the site. We have completed a series of successful mailers for this client. We created this illustration of the condominium community using our 3D modler.


Business-to-Business Direct Mail This mailer was designed and illustrated by Q1. We created the balloon shapes using our 3D modeler.
Condominium Direct Mail Another in a series of direct mailers. This one targeted primarily at females in the 50+ age group.
Non-profit Direct mail This successful mailer went to every registered voter in Delaware County, Ohio. The MRDD levy passed. This piece used one ink color and was produced very inexpensively.
Government Direct mail This piece was mailed to all employees of The State of Ohio to encourage participation in a workforce development conference.
B2B Direct mail Business-to-business is really a misnomer. It's business to individuals within businesses. This piece used humor to connect with the targeted individuals invited to our client's conference.
Results Direct mail
A direct mail campaign for tData Corporation was extremely successful. Measurable sales increase of 40% after this postcard was sent to list.
Fund Raiser Direct mail
Buckeye Boys Ranch fund raiser "The interests of childhood and youth are the interests of mankind" - Edmond Storer James